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发布者:   发布时间:2020年08月19日 10:58   阅读数:







[1] Jin Zeng, Fuyang Song, Yi Yang, Chenjie Ma, Guangcun Deng, Yong Li, Yujiong Wang, and Xiaoming Liu*The Generation and Characterization of Recombinant Protein and Antibodies of Clostridium perfringens Beta2 ToxinJournal of Immunology Research Volume 2016.08, Article ID 5708468, 12 pages.http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2016/5708468

[2] Jin Zeng, Chenjie Ma, Fuyang Song, Guangcun Deng, Yong Li,Yujiong Wang*, Xiaoming Liu*The Cytotoxicity and Pathogenesis of Beta2 toxin of Clostridium perfringensToxicon 158 (2019) S1-S88

[3] Jin Zeng#, Guangcun Deng#, Jing Wang, Jing Zhou, Xiaoming Liu, Qing Xie,Yujiong Wang*, Potential protective immunogenicity of recombinant Clostridium perfringensα–β2–β1 fusion toxin in mice, sows and cows, [J]. Vaccine 29 (2011) 5459-5466

[4] Guangcun Deng#, Jin Zeng#, Minjie Jian,Wenmiao Liu, Zhong Zhang, Xiaoming Liu, and Yujiong Wang*. Nanoparticulated heat-stable (STa) and heat-labile B subunit (LTB) recombinant toxin improves vaccine protection against enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli challenge in mouse, Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering,VOL xx. No xx. 1-7, 2012

#:并列一作  *:通讯作者